Tuesday, July 21, 2009

What`s in a name..... (PART 1 OF 5)

IN an effort to set aside our branding we thought it would be fitting to give you a little bio on who we are as a company, and what is to come for 2010. In the weeks and months to come we will share with you our goal for the 2010 season for weddings as well as unveil our new product line on tap for 2010; But first lets talk a little about our development so you can better understand our company.
The company name C.H.I.C is an acroynmom meaning- CRERATIVE- HIGH STYE -INTERIORS AND CUSTOM EVENT
The word Chic (pronounced Sheek)
1. attractive and fashionable; stylish: as in a chic hat.
2. style and elegance
3. Adopting or setting current fashions and styles; sophisticated
4. The quality or state of being stylish

Our mission as a company is to set trends and standards based on that very definition. We are determenine to make an impact on the design industry as a whole. To always produce work at the highest level of integrity and elegance period. OUR STYLE is a collective one I like to call un-conventional-elegance that is polished with a bit contemporary but classic , modern but savvy. In most designs we like to take things and twist them to create cutting edge work that gets notice. That is why branding is so important to us. Because there are times when you are defined by what people think you do when in essences there is so much more. We are passionate about all things designed and Interior Design is the next phase to come. Check back soon for more!